Code profiling [5 min read]¶
JupyterHub(any Kubernetes) pod¶
Using PromQL to query Prometheus metrics of the pod.
from prometheus_api_client import PrometheusConnect
from math import ceil
def get_pod_max_cpu_memory_in_prometheus(
prometheus_url: str = "http://prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus.monitoring:9090",
container_namespace: str = "jupyterhub",
pod_name: str = "jupyter-5uperpalo",
) -> dict:
""" Function to query max CPU and memory consumption of a specific pod in Kubernetes in the past 10 days.
container_memory_working_set_bytes metric returns value per spawned pod id (different pods might
have been spawned with the same name in the past 10 days) - only the last is checked
For the specific query details see the link below:
prometheus_url (str): Prometheus service URL
container_namespace (str): Kubernetes pod namespace name
pod_name (str): Kubernetes namespace name
metrics (dict): dictionary with values
def round_up(n, decimals=0):
multiplier = 10**decimals
return math.ceil(n * multiplier) / multiplier
prom = PrometheusConnect(url=prometheus_url, disable_ssl=True)
pod_name = f"'{pod_name}'"
container_namespace = f"'{container_namespace}'"
container_cpu_max_query = f"max_over_time(sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{{namespace={container_namespace}, pod={pod_name}, container!=''}}[1m]))[10d:1m])"
container_memory_max_query = f"max_over_time(container_memory_working_set_bytes{{namespace={container_namespace}, pod={pod_name}, container!=''}}[10d])"
cpu_max = prom.custom_query(query=container_cpu_max_query)
memory_max = prom.custom_query(query=container_memory_max_query)
metrics = {
"cpu": round_up(float(cpu_max[-1]["value"][1]), 2),
"memory": round_up(float(memory_max[-1]["value"][1])/1024**3, 2),
return metrics
besteffort_pods_list = [
("kepler-7dfh2", "kepler"),
("nginx-ingress-microk8s-controller-h5kfj", "ingress"),
for pod, namespace in besteffort_pods_list:
metrics = get_pod_max_cpu_memory_in_prometheus(
print(f"{pod} ({namespace}), {metrics}")
>>> kepler-7dfh2 (kepler), {'cpu': 0.19, 'memory': 0.07}
>>> nginx-ingress-microk8s-controller-h5kfj (ingress), {'cpu': 0.12, 'memory': 0.45}
Max GPU¶
In case it is necessary a the Prometheus metrics can be extended by including NVIDIA DCGM exporter in exported metrics and then querying the metrics of interest using similar function to get_pod_max_cpu_memory_in_prometheus
Energy measurements¶
Using Kubernetes Efficient Power Level Exporter (Kepler). Core/Uncore measurements might not be available(only PKG) depending on Intel architecture. See RAPL section in Kepler metrics explanation.
Kepler metrics
from datetime import datetime
from prometheus_api_client import PrometheusConnect
def get_kepler_pod_stats(
to_timestamp: float,
from_timestamp: float,
prometheus_url: str = "http://prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus.monitoring:9090",
container_namespace: str = "jupyterhub",
pod_name: str = "jupyter-5uperpalo",
) -> dict:
"""Function to query Kepler power consumption data of specific pod in Kubernetes.
# [metric for metric in prom.all_metrics() if "kepler" in metric]
to_timestamp (list): 'to' timestamp
from_timestamp (list): 'from' timestamp
prometheus_url (str): Prometheus service url
container_namespace (str): Kubernetes pod namespace name
pod_name (str): Kubernetes namespace name
metrics (dict): Kepler metrics of the power consumption of pod in Kubernetes
prom = PrometheusConnect(url=prometheus_url, disable_ssl=True)
pod_name = f"'{pod_name}'"
container_namespace = f"'{container_namespace}'"
time_range_sec = str(int(to_timestamp - from_timestamp))
container_sum_query = f"sum by (pod_name, container_namespace) (irate(kepler_container_joules_total{{container_namespace={container_namespace}, pod_name={pod_name}}}[{time_range_sec}s] @ {str(to_timestamp)}))"
container_core_query = f"sum by (pod_name, container_namespace) (irate(kepler_container_core_joules_total{{container_namespace={container_namespace}, pod_name={pod_name}}}[{time_range_sec}s] @ {str(to_timestamp)}))"
container_uncore_query = f"sum by (pod_name, container_namespace) (irate(kepler_container_uncore_joules_total{{container_namespace={container_namespace}, pod_name={pod_name}}}[{time_range_sec}s] @ {str(to_timestamp)}))"
container_pkg_query = f"sum by (pod_name, container_namespace) (irate(kepler_container_package_joules_total{{container_namespace={container_namespace}, pod_name={pod_name}}}[{time_range_sec}s] @ {str(to_timestamp)}))"
container_dram_query = f"sum by (pod_name, container_namespace) (irate(kepler_container_dram_joules_total{{container_namespace={container_namespace}, pod_name={pod_name}}}[{time_range_sec}s] @ {str(to_timestamp)}))"
container_other_query = f"sum by (pod_name, container_namespace) (irate(kepler_container_other_joules_total{{container_namespace={container_namespace}, pod_name={pod_name}}}[{time_range_sec}s] @ {str(to_timestamp)}))"
container_gpu_query = f"sum by (pod_name, container_namespace) (irate(kepler_container_gpu_joules_total{{container_namespace={container_namespace}, pod_name={pod_name}}}[{time_range_sec}s] @ {str(to_timestamp)}))"
sum_data = prom.custom_query(query=container_sum_query)
core_data = prom.custom_query(query=container_core_query)
uncore_data = prom.custom_query(query=container_uncore_query)
pkg_data = prom.custom_query(query=container_pkg_query)
dram_data = prom.custom_query(query=container_dram_query)
other_data = prom.custom_query(query=container_other_query)
gpu_data = prom.custom_query(query=container_gpu_query)
metrics = {
"from": datetime.fromtimestamp(from_timestamp).strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"),
"to": datetime.fromtimestamp(to_timestamp).strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"),
"sum": float(sum_data[0]["value"][1]),
"core": float(core_data[0]["value"][1]),
"uncore": float(uncore_data[0]["value"][1]),
"pkg": float(pkg_data[0]["value"][1]),
"dram": float(dram_data[0]["value"][1]),
"other": float(other_data[0]["value"][1]),
"gpu": float(gpu_data[0]["value"][1]),
return metrics
>>> # prometheus has UTC 00:00 as opposed to Barcelona UTC +02:00
>>> to_timestamp = datetime(2024, 6, 11, 8, 31).timestamp()
>>> from_timestamp = datetime(2024, 6, 11, 8, 25).timestamp()
>>> get_kepler_pod_stats(to_timestamp=to_timestamp, from_timestamp=from_timestamp)
>>> {'from': '06/11/2024, 08:25:00',
>>> 'to': '06/11/2024, 08:31:00',
>>> 'sum': 45.333333333333336,
>>> 'core': 0.0,
>>> 'uncore': 0.0,
>>> 'pkg': 44.48569999999987,
>>> 'dram': 0.8289999999998447,
>>> 'other': 0.0,
>>> 'gpu': 0.0}
Carbon emission monitoring¶
Grafana dashboard provided by Kepler uses predefined natural gas/coal/petroleum conversions from US. See simple implemented formula here with coefficient defined here. The Energy measurements can be easily transformed to Carbon emissions using CodeCarbon methodology.
- All-in-one solution by Scalene:
Carbon emission monitoring:¶
Code Execution timing¶
Timer decorator
Import and prepend the time decorator to log time(into specified log file) that it takes to execute analyzed function/class, e.g.:import logging
from functools import wraps
from time import time
def timer(func):
"""Wrapper to time and log the function execution.
func: function
def timer_func(*args, **kwargs):
start_time = time()
value = func(*args, **kwargs)
end_time = time()
f"Finished {func.__name__} in {(end_time - start_time):.4f} seconds." # noqa
return value
return timer_func
def training(config: TrainingConfig, custom_params: CustomParameters):
[Legacy] RAM¶
To get max RAM used during executition of the function import the decorator and put it above it function to log max RAM used into specified logging file, e.g.: NOTE: this applies only to functions and NOT classes or class methods.
import logging
from functools import wraps
from memory_profiler import memory_usage
def ram_usage(func):
"""Wrapper to monitor and log RAM usage during the function execution.
NOTE: can be applied to function but not to method of a class.
func: function
def ram_usage_func(*args, **kwargs):
ram, value = memory_usage(
(func, args, *kwargs), interval=1.0, retval=True, max_usage=True
f"Finished {func.__name__,}. Max RAM used {(ram / 1000):.4f} GB."
) # noqa
return value
return ram_usage_func
from churn_pred.code_profiling import ram_usage
def training(config: TrainingConfig, custom_params: CustomParameters):
Per line RAM usage analysis
To analyze RAM usage per line of the code import profile decorator, put it above the function you want to analyze:from memory_profiler import profile
def training(config: TrainingConfig, custom_params: CustomParameters):
$ python -m memory_profiler
Filename: /XXX/
Line # Mem usage Increment Occurrences Line Contents
53 230.8 MiB 230.8 MiB 1 @ram_usage
54 @profile
55 def training(config: TrainingConfig, custom_params: CustomParameters):
56 230.9 MiB 0.1 MiB 1 data_config = DataConfig.load(config.data_config)
57 230.9 MiB 0.0 MiB 1 hyperparameters = Hyperparameters.parse_obj(config.hyperparameters)
59 687.5 MiB 456.6 MiB 1 queries, df_data = get_data(config, custom_params)
60 687.5 MiB 0.0 MiB 1 (